Smart Features of Tengah EC In a Green Town at Tengah Town

Smart Features of Tengah EC in a Green Town at Tengah Town

One of the most significant aspects of Tengah EC is the development’s dedication to sustainability. Tengah Town residents are encouraged to live green by having access to electric vehicle charging hubs. These EV charging stations also serve as mobility tools, ensuring a smooth transition for new residents to a lower carbon footprint.

Urban Forest Metropolis

The Evergreen Forest Town in Tengah is a nature-themed metropolis that will bring people closer to nature, while still providing modern conveniences. The town is envisioned as the first in the region to incorporate smart living elements like automated waste collection and green roofs into its design.

This EC is well-connected with the rest of Singapore via multiple expressways, including the Pan-Island Expressway. Residents will also have easy access to numerous schools and shopping districts. The EC is also located near the Jurong …