Prevent Moth and Flood Damage To Your Home

If you’re a homeowner, you’re always worried that at any stage you might have to pay out for huge repair bills. A significant threat for many homeowners in the UK is the possibility of flood damage. Many low lying areas are hugely susceptible to flooding and if your property gets hit by a flood, repairs will end up costing a bucket load.

However, you needn’t despair if your property is in a high risk area, as there are a number of steps you can take in order to limit the extent of any flood damage.

The initial step to take before kitting your property out in anti-flood damage kit is to be aware of all means through which water can enter the property. Floodwater is tricky and can find its way into a property through a variety of routes, including: around and underneath closed doorways, backflow through sewerage pipes and …

Great Bathroom Wall Coverings and Wooden Kitchen Countertop

One of the easiest ways to give a whole bathroom a quick face lift is to change the wall coverings. There are plenty of options available to you but you do have to remember that bathroom wall coverings have to be able to withstand far more use and abuse than wall coverings in the other rooms of your home. Heat, moisture and frequent cleaning are all challenges that have to be met by a good bathroom wall covering. Here are just a few of the most commonly used ones.

Having your bathroom walls painted is a very simple way to change the look and feel of the room in just a few hours. Gloss and semi gloss paints work best in a bathroom setting as they repel water and are much easier to clean. On the downside though if your bathroom walls are a little lumpy and bumpy a …